Are you a romantic person? Are you in love? If the answer is yes, then this post is for you!
In Spain, and many other countries, on the 14th of February people celebrate el Día de San Valentín, also known as el Día de los enamorados. In today’s class we’re going to learn some vocabulary associated with this holiday as well as some verbs and phrases to express your love and surprise that special someone. Are you ready?
San Valentín is a very well-known celebration that some people love and believe is very romantic, while others think of it as yet another commercial holiday.
Those that enjoy celebrating San Valentín give their partner a small token of their love such as a bunch of flowers (un ramo de flores) or a box of chocolates (bombones). These are the most typical gifts (regalos) that men give to their partners on this day.
Many people also like to celebrate by having a romantic dinner (una cena romantica) with their partner at a special restaurant, going on a romantic weekend getaway (una escapada romántica), or giving expensive gifts such as jewellery or watches (joyas o relojes). In the end, it’s a matter of preferences; there are endless ways to have fun and surprise your partner on Valentine’s Day.
Did you know that in some regions of Spain, such as the Community of Valencia and Catalonia have their own lovers’ day?
The Community of Valencia’s día de los enamorados is on the 9th of October (Saint Denis’ Day) and, according to tradition, men give their lovers marzipan sweets wrapped in a handkerchief. In Catalonia, el día de los enamorados is on the 23rd of April (Saint George’s Day). On this day men give their partners a rose while women gift a book.
Let’s take a look at some helpful words and phrases used to talk about love and relationships. This vocabulary will take you from love at first sight and first kisses to marriage and even divorce!
Tener una cita –> To have a date
Beso / besar –> Kiss / To kiss
Abrazo / abrazar –> Hug / To hug
Salir con alguien –> To date someone
¿Quieres salir conmigo? –> Do you wanna go out with me?
Pareja –> Couple
Amor a primera vista –> Love at first sight
Enamorarse –> To fall in love
Casarse –> To get married
If you want to propose, you can say:
¡Cásate conmigo! –> Marry me!
¿Quieres casarte conmigo? –> Will you marry me?
Isn’t it very romantic?
Separarse / divorciarse -> To split up / To get divorced
Normally Valentine’s Day is all about flowers, chocolates and nice gifts.
This year, why don’t you surprise your other half by saying something in Spanish?
If you have a Spanish speaking partner, he/she will be very happy to hear these romantic phrases!
Also, your friends will be very impressed with your native-sounding Spanish vocabulary.
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Te quiero. vs. Te amo.
“Te quiero” (which can be literally translated as I want you) is the most common of these two phrases. You can use it with family members, pets, friends, or significant others.
“Te amo” is reserved for your media naranja (your other half or special someone). It is normally only used to profess romantic love.
And to finish up we have a beautiful love song by the Mexican artist, Julieta Venegas.
That is all 😉
Congratulations! Now you know how to express love in Spanish and surprise your Spanish-speaking boyfriend / girlfriend!
If this year you’d like to give your partner a present that’s a little different, considering offering them Spanish classes. It’s a gift they’ll remember forever and that won’t wilt like roses!
You can also learn Spanish with your partner using our special packs for partners and friends. Learning a language together will be a fun and motivating experience and, who knows, maybe next February 14th you can celebrate your progress with a romantic getaway to a Spanish speaking country!
Click here for more information.