5 ways to learn Spanish at home

6 Ways to Learn Spanish at home

Hello! I hope you’re doing well during this quarantine period due the COVID-19. If you are lockdown at home and for this reason you have interrupted your Spanish lessons, don’t worry, there are many ways to learn Spanish at home during this period. In this post you’re going to see some of my favourites with examples. Let’s start !

Learn Spanish at home

1. Websites to learn Spanish at home with interactive exercises

ProfeDeELE This site is undoubtedly one of the most complete to find all kind of activities divided by levels (from A1 to C2). You will find songs, podcasts, didactic units, videos, interactive exercises and infographics. It is my favourite website and the one I always recommend to my students.

Lingolia You will find easy grammar explanations in English followed with interactive exercises to practise the content that you have learned.

Todo claro In this site you will find lots of interactive exercises about grammar, vocabulary and culture. The exercises are classified in levels (A1-C2).

Learn Spanish at home

2. Songs

CancionEle Site with old and modern songs in Spanish. Each song is followed with interactive exercises about grammar, verbs, vocabulary and Spanish culture. You will learn and you will have fun while listening Spanish songs

Lyricstrainning Excellent app to learn Spanish with songs and exercises.

Lyricsgaps A fun method to learn and improve your Spanish through music and typing in song lyrics

Learn Spanish at home

3. Films, series and Documentaries

Watching film is an excellent way to learn vocabulary, Spanish expressions and culture about a country. At first, you could watch with subtitles in your native language and later, when you feel more confident and have a higher level you could change them to Spanish. Experiment with different methods and choose the one which works for you.

🙂 These Films, series and documentaries are my favourites. You can find them in Netflix.




Durante la tormenta

Dolor y Gloria



La casa de papel

Las chicas del cable

Vis a Vis

La víctima número 8



Perú, tesoro escondido

Guatemala: Corazón del mundo maya

Learn Spanish at home

4. Graded readers

Do you like to read books? Reading is one of the best options to learn a language since it provides a relaxing and interesting practice. Graded readers are a good option if you still don’t feel confident to read real books for Spanish Speakers. The graded readers included comprehension activities and a glossary to understand the difficult words. In the list below you will find a selection of graded readers classified by levels in both paper and digital format. Enjoy it!

Level A1

Una aventura de WhatsApp.

Las galletas de la suerte.

Un día en Madrid

¡Hola, Lola!

Level A2

Enigma en la playa

El secreto del abuelo

La profe de español

Un hombre fascinante

Level B1

Misterio en la biblioteca

¿Me voy o me quedo?

Fantasmas del pasado

Año nuevo, vida nueva

Learn Spanish at home

5. Podcasts and radio

There are lots of free podcasts that are specially made for students and that you can listen to in order to practice your Spanish at home, even if you just started learning. You can also listen the Spanish radio online. Let’s see it !

Practica español Podcast with News from the EFE Agency. It is organized in levels. There are vocabulary and grammar exercises.


Notes in Spanish Fun and interesting podcast. The audio files are free

CADENA SER is the oldest and most popular radio station in Spain. His program includes News, sports, discussions, entertainment and culture.

CADENA DIAL – One of the most famous radio channels in Spain. It plays exclusively music in Spanish language.

RADIO 3 is a radio station that belongs to the RNE Chain. Alternative music such as indie, alternative rock, electronic music and hip hop.

Learn Spanish at home

6. Speak in Spanish

Yes, it’s true, Spanish grammar and vocabulary are very important but It’s also essential that you communicate in Spanish whenever you can. Online Language Exchanges with Spanish people or with your Spanish friends are useful for practising your conversation skills.  Remember that You need to practice the Spanish for the real life.

🙂 Of course, if you want to improve your communication skills from home I will be happy to help you!! Contact me or visit my private online lessons and see you very soon!!


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