Talking about the past in Spanish

Talking about the past in Spanish. El pretérito perfecto

The present perfect tense, known as ‘el pretérito perfecto‘ in Spanish, is the first tense that I recommend Spanish students learn in order to start talking about the past in Spanish. It is the easiest, and you can use it in a lot of situations.

In this post, you will learn the conjugation of the regular verbs and 3 different ways to use it. You’ll also practice the conjugation with two interactive exercises.

Talking about the past in Spanish

Video Lesson

El pretérito perfecto: The conjugation

Talking about the past in Spanish

3 different ways to use “el pretérito perfecto”

He estado muchas veces en París

I have been to Paris many times

Talking about the past in Spanish

Juan ha viajado por todo el mundo

John has travelled all over the world

Esta semana he ido al gimnasio dos veces.

I’ve been to the gym twice this week

Tu madre ha llamado por teléfono hace diez minutos.

Your mother called by phone ten minutes ago.

He reservado una mesa para esta noche.

I have booked one table for tonight.

Talking about the past in Spanish

Talking about the past in Spanish


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