7 Common mistakes in Spanish and how to avoid them

Do you repeat again and again the same mistakes in Spanish? Don’t worry, all students of a foreign tongue struggle with these at some point or another during the process. So before you throw in the towel, check out these 7 common mistakes in Spanish and how to avoid them:

Happy learning!

7 Common mistakes in Spanish

Common mistake 1

Common mistakes in Spanish

“Gente” in Spanish means “people” in English.

In English, “people” is a plural noun, so it must be always followed by a verb in the third-person plural. In the example above, the verb is “to be”.

“People are kind”

However, in Spanish the collective noun “gente” is a singular noun and must be always followed by a verb in the third-person singular and singular adjectives also.

“La gente es amable”

7 Common mistakes in Spanish

Common mistake 2

Common mistakes in Spanish

One common mistake is using “un otro” or “una otra” in Spanish to mean “another” in English.

In Spanish, the indefinite articles “un” “una” “unos” “unas” aren’t needed before “otro” “otra” “otros” “otras”.

7 Common mistakes in Spanish

Common mistake 3

Common mistakes in Spanish

In Spanish to express DESTINATION we use the preposition “a” with the verbs of movement like “ir”, “viajar”, “llegar”.


Voy a la playa / I’m going to the beach.

Ellos viajan a la India cada año / They travel to the India every year.

In Spanish to express POSITION, we use the preposition “en”.


Estoy en mi casa / I am in my house

Paco está en Valencia / Paco is in Valencia

7 Common mistakes in Spanish

Common mistake 4

Common mistakes in Spanish

In Spanish, possessive adjectives are normally not used when talking about body parts. But This recommendation only refers to the same person’s actions over his/her body.


It is all right to say “Sus brazos son grandes” / Their arms are big

Mi nariz es pequeña” / My nose is small

But If you want to say…

My arm hurts”

Is better …

“Me duele un /el brazo” than “Me duele mi brazo”

7 Common mistakes in Spanish

Common mistake 5

Common mistakes in Spanish

“Buscando para” doesn’t exist in Spanish. It’s a literal translation from English.

“Look for” means “search” = “Buscar” in Spanish but, it has no preposition.


I’ve looked for my keys in everywhere and I can’t find them.

He buscado mis llaves por todas partes, pero no las he encontrado.

7 common mistakes in Spanish

Common mistake 6

Common mistakes in Spanish

The general rule for “ser” and “estar” says that “estar” it is used when we want to express LOCATION.


Valencia está en España.

Valencia is located in Spain.

However, there is an exception. When we want to locate events (ceremonies, concerts, conferences, talks, weddings and parties) we need to use “ser”


¿Dónde es el cumpleaños?

Where will the birthday take place?

7 common mistakes in Spanish

Common mistake 7

Common mistakes in Spanish

Never say “me encanta mucho”.

As the “encanta” already implies you like something a lot, saying “Me encanta mucho España” is like saying “I like Spain a lot a lot”

This is all,

Did you know these common mistakes in Spanish? Do you usually do these mistakes or others? Tell me in comments 😉

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